Effects of Pharmaceutical Salesperson's Perception on Core Capabilities -Focusing on the Company Culture and Reputation of Pharmaceutical Companies-

  • Byun, Kwangmin (Kwangwoon University, Graduate School) ;
  • Ryu, Ki-hwan (Kwangwoon University, Graduate School of Smart Convergence)
  • 투고 : 2021.08.06
  • 심사 : 2021.09.01
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


Due to rapid environmental-change pharmaceutical industry, sales strategy for sales survival of pharmaceutical company is necessary. In accordance with the rapid development of medicine and advancement of efforts to secure the market, competition among pharmaceutical companies make an effort to achieve their goals. However, due to various negative influence of inside and outside, this field is getting a difficult occupation. Even when securing and training new employees with quite a bit of expense and time, the rate of surviving employees over 1 year is decreasing. For this, the researcher suggested major research result through actual investigation by utilizing survey technique, and a plan to enhance pharmaceutical company salespersons' core competence and raise sales achievement. As the research result, company culture strongly influences salespersons' sales ability. We defined the formation of organizational culture, which influences communication culture where smooth communication is made in the company, also, definite and exact evaluation in promoting work, and trust formation between upper and lower organization, is important, which should be reflected in the company field.



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