유튜브 이용자의 마음챙김 요인이 지속이용의도에 미치는 영향

Effects of YouTube Users' Mindfulness factors on the Continued Use Intention

  • 최경웅 (남서울대학교 복지경영대학원 빅데이터콘텐츠융합학과) ;
  • 변제민 (남서울대학교 일반대학원 경영학) ;
  • 권두순 (청운대학교 교양대학)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.03
  • 심사 : 2021.07.11
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


This study aims to examine the effect of the Mindfulness for YouTube users. Recently, video sharing platforms have grown rapidly with YouTube, and YouTube has grown rapidly despite the emergence of various video sharing platforms. Which YouTube represents these changes, provides an environment where anyone can make and distribute videos. And through these advantages, many viewers are coming in and more creators are making videos. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence factors of YouTube service in Korea and to clarify the causal relationship between the factors that affect the continued use intention through usefulness, confirmation, and satisfaction. For this reason, presented a research model that applied key variables of the Mindfulness theory, which emphasized that users should be aware of their emotions. In order to empirical verification the research model of this study, a questionnaire was conducted for university students and general office workers who had experience using YouTube. As a result, first decentered attention has been shown that has no positive effect on perceived usefulness and confirmation. Second, non-judgmental acceptance has benn shown that has a postitive effect on perceived usefulness and confirmation. Third, current self-perception has been shown that has no positive effect on perceived usefulness and confirmation. Fourth, concentration has been shown that has no positive effect on perceived usefulness and confirmation. And Mindfulness has been shown that has a positive effect on satisfaction and perceived usefulness. Through this, it is important to use YouTube to use what users feel is important, and it is important to determine whether the video is helpful to them when accepting content and make them expect the next video.



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