Changes of Gyeonggi and Chungbuk Provincial Office Buildings after Relocation during Japanese Colonial Period -focusing on Suwon and Chungju-

일제강점기 관찰부 이전(移轉) 후 관련건축물의 변화에 관한 연구 -수원과 충주를 중심으로-

  • Received : 2021.03.14
  • Accepted : 2021.07.07
  • Published : 2021.08.31


This study examines changes and features of provincial office buildings in Suwon and Chungju after relocation during Japanese occupation. Gyeonggi and Chungbuk provincial offices(Gwanchalbu) were relocated by Japan. Gyeonggi Provincial Office in Suwon used HwaseongHaenggung buildings and moved to Seoul in 1910. After relocation, most of HwaseongHaenggung buildings used for Suwon Governmental hospital(JaHye Uiwon). Suwongun Office, Suwon public elementary school, Japanese Military and Suwon Police station also used HwaseongHaenggung buildings with the Hospital. At first, Japan remodeled local government buildings for their use. Most of HwaseongHaenggung buildings had been destroyed to build new buildings since 1920s. Chungbuk Provincial office in Chungju used DongHeon building which is Chungju local government building and relocated to Cheongju in 1908. DongHeon building changed to Chungju county office after relocation. This building was renovated. Chungju county office moved to other site, this building was used for Chungju county conference room. During Japanese colonial period, Suwon local government buildings were destroyed and replaced with new Japanese style buildings. Chungju local government buildings were also renovated or destroyed.



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