수학 교과에서의 주목하기(Noticing)에 관한 이해

The Understanding on the Noticing in Mathematics Education

  • 투고 : 2021.08.19
  • 심사 : 2021.08.31
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


There have been gradually a few studies on Noticing in the domestic and international area. For the purpose of increasing the concern on teacher noticing and pursuing the affluent studies on the noticing, this study tried to explore and understand the background, the meaning, and the properties of the teacher noticing while summing up the views of the various researchers. As a result, the teacher noticing could be defined as a cognitive process which is focused on mathematical objects, students' mathematical thinking, students' emotions, teaching strategies, classroom environment and interprets them to determine how to react. From this, noticing might be cognitive process which is a combined form of the objects and cognitive behavior, while the objects whom teachers notice covers up the mathematical objects and the teaching objects. Eventually, this study expects to serve as a basis to foster the in-depth understanding of teacher noticing and to derive the follow-up studies.



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