엔드 이펙터 타입의 로봇보행훈련이 뇌성마비인의 서기, 보행 기능과 보행속도에 미치는 영향

Effect of an End-effector Type of Robotic Gait Training on Stand Capability, Locomotor Function, and Gait Speed in Individuals with Spastic Cerebral Palsy

  • 투고 : 2021.07.08
  • 심사 : 2021.07.27
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


PURPOSE: Robotic gait training is being used increasingly to improve the gross motor performance and gait speed. The present study examined the effectiveness of a novel end-effector type of robotic gait training (RGT) system on standing, walking, running, and jumping functions, as well as the gait speed in children with spastic cerebral palsy. METHODS: Eleven children with spastic cerebral palsy Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels I-III (6 males; age range, 15.09 ± 1.44 years) were examined. They underwent 24 sessions (30 minutes/sessions, one time/day, three days/week for eight consecutive weeks) of RGT. The Gross Motor Function Measure-88 D domain (GMFM D), and GMFM E were assessed with a pretest and posttest of RGT. The setting was a one-group pretest-posttest design. RESULTS: A comparison of the pre-test and post-test show that the outcomes in post-test of GMFM D (p < .01), GMFM E (p < .05), and 10MWT were improved significantly after RGT intervention. CONCLUSION: The present study provided the first evidence on the effects of an eight-weeks RGT intervention in participants with spastic CP. The outcomes of this clinical study showed that standing performance, locomotion function, and gait speed increased in after 24 sessions of the end-effector RGT system in children with spastic cerebral palsy.



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