Level of Complete Knowledge on Five Moments of Hand Hygiene among Nurses Working at Integrated Nursing Care Service Wards

간호간병통합서비스 병동 간호사의 손위생 시점에 대한 완전지식 수준

  • Received : 2021.02.17
  • Accepted : 2021.05.18
  • Published : 2021.08.31


Purpose: This study aimed to identify the level of complete knowledge about hand hygiene indications among nurses working at integrated nursing care service wards. Methods: A total of 127 nurses in eight integrated nursing care service wards completed structured sheets while observing a video based on six scenarios developed by the research team. Complete knowledge level was calculated as the percentage (%) of participants who responded correctly to all questions among participants. Complete knowledge levels according to the scenarios were calculated and compared according to general characteristics using the chi-squared test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Results: The complete knowledge level for each scenario ranged from 7.9% (scenario 6) to 42.5% (scenarios 4 and 5), and no one had complete knowledge of all scenarios. Only 3.1% of participants demonstrated complete knowledge in more than four scenarios, and 26.0% had complete knowledge of four or more hand hygiene moments. Complete knowledge level per scenario did not differ depending on work experience at hospitals and study wards, or prior hand hygiene training in the last year. Conclusion: As the complete knowledge level regarding hand hygiene moment is very low, it is suggested that regular hand hygiene training should be provided to nurses using video media that reflect real nursing tasks. Thus, they can acquire complete knowledge of when hand hygiene is needed or not during complex nursing work situations.



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