• Ara, Shabnam Anjum (Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital) ;
  • Viquar, Uzma (Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital) ;
  • Zakir, Mohammed (Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital) ;
  • Husain, Gulam Mohammed (Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital) ;
  • Naikodi, Mohammed Abdul Rasheed (Drug Standardization Research Unit, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital) ;
  • Urooj, Mohd (Pharmacology and Toxicology Laboratory, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital) ;
  • Kazmi, Munawwar Husain (Department of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Opp. ESI Hospital)
  • 투고 : 2021.04.16
  • 심사 : 2021.06.30
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


Background and Objective: Nux-vomica based traditional Unani formulation, Habb-e-Azaraqi (HAZ) is an important drug used by Unani physicians since several decades. It possesses Muqawwi-i-A'sab (nervine tonic), Muharrik-i-A'sab (nervine stimulant) properties and is an effective treatment option for diseases like Laqwa (facial palsy), Falij (paralysis), Niqris (gout) and Waja'al-Mafasil (arthritis) etc. The aim of the study is to access and provide information of HAZ for its TLC, HPTLC Fingerprinting defining its clear qualitative perspective and acute oral toxicity evaluation for its safety assessment which was not done earlier, thus contributing in the field of research. Materials and Methods: The chief ingredient, nux-vomica was detoxified as per method mentioned in Unani Pharmacopeia before its use in formulation. TLC and HPTLC was developed under four detection system i.e., UV 366nm, UV 254nm, exposure to iodine vapours and after derivatization with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid. Acute toxicity studies were performed as per OECD Guidelines 425 at a limit dose of 2000 mg/kg. Observations were done for signs of toxicity, body weight, and feed consumption at regular intervals followed by haematological and biochemistry evaluation. Results: The generated data proved the authenticity and established the TLC and HPTLC profile of the formulation. Acute toxicity revealed no significant differences in HAZ-treated animals with respect to body weight gain, feed consumption, haematology, clinical biochemistry evaluation. No significant gross pathological observation was noticed in necropsy. Conclusion: Data of the present study is substantial and scientific proof of HAZ in terms of standardization and toxicity study that can be utilize in future research activities.



The authors would like to mention their profound gratitude to Prof. Asim Ali Khan, Director General, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, for the necessary infrastructure and conveniences and Prof. Munawwar Husain Kazmi, Director, National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders, Hyderabad for being a source of inspiration. Thanks are due to the staff of Drug Standardization and Research Unit, Biochemistry and Pathology Laboratories, Animal House and Pharmacy Department for their endless support.


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