북한 학술지에 실린 태양 연구 활동 분석


  • 투고 : 2021.06.04
  • 심사 : 2021.06.15
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


We have analyzed 42 research papers regarding on the solar astronomy written by North Korea scientists to investigate the current status of astronomical activities in North Korea. The papers are surveyed from the 'Bulletin of Astronomy', the 'Physics', the 'Bulletin of Academy of Science', and the 'Natural Science' in North Korea, and SCI journals. In addition, we refer to the presentation material announced in the 2015 IAU by director of Pyongyang Astronomical Observatory (PAO) and the 2013 OAD/IAU reports. We have analyzed the papers statistically according to three criteria such as research subject, research field, and research members. The main research subjects are the sunspot (28%), observation system (21%), and space environments (19%). The research fields are distributed with data analysis (50%), numerical method (29%), and instrument development (21%). There have been 25 and 9 researchers in the solar astronomy and space environment, respectively since 1995. North Korea's solar research activities were also investigated in three area: instrument, solar physics, and international research linkage. PAO has operated two of sunspot telescope and solar horizontal telescope for spectroscopy and polarimetry, but there is no specific information on solar radio telescopes. North Korea has cooperated in solar research with Europe and China. We expect that the results of this study will be used as useful resource in supporting astronomical cooperation between South and North Korea in the future.



북한의 천문학 학술지 정보와 자료를 제공해 주신 한국과학기술정보연구원 NK Tech과 최현규 박사님 그리고 한국지질자원연구원 DMR 융합연구단 고상모 단장님께 감사드립니다. 아울러, 논문을 상세히 읽고 유익한 도움 말씀을 주신 두 분의 심사위원께도 깊이 감사드립니다.


  1. Astronomical Yearbook of 1993 (천문년감 1993), 1992, Pyongyang Astronomy Observatory, DPRK
  2. Bulletin of Academy of Science (과학원통보), 2000, 2016-2019, Science & Technology press, DPRK
  3. Bulletin of Astronomy (천문학통보), 2015-2018, Pyongyang Astronomy Observatory, DPRK
  4. Choi, W. C. & Ri, S. R., 2017, Establishment of Operation System of Solar Observation, Sunspot Prediction, and Usage of Observation and Prediction data, 1, 21
  5. Gwangmyong Encyclopedia (광명백과사전), Astronomy, 2011, Encyclopedia press, DPRK
  6. IAU report, 2013a, Office of Astronomy for Development(OAD), Engagement with DPRK astronomers
  7. IAU report, 2013b, Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD), DPRK Astronomy research at the Huairou Solar station, China
  8. Jong, S., 2015, Strategic Plan of Development of Astronomy in DPRK, Highlights of Astronomy (IAU), pp.560-564, Cambridge Univ. press
  9. Kim, J. C. & Sin, S. A., 2001, Interference by System Elements in Photoelectric Photometry of Solar Spectroscopy, Physics (물리-DPRK), 3, 36
  10. Kim., J. S. & Ri, H., 2018, Study on Design of Slit-Jaw Imaging System, Bulletin of Astronomy (천문학통보-DPRK), 1, 18
  11. Kim, C. -J. & Kim, J. -S., 2020, Solar activity cycle of ~ 200 yr from mediaeval Korean records and reconstructions of cosmogenic radionuclides, MNRAS, 492(1), 384
  12. Natural Science (자연과학), 2016-2017, Kim Il Sung Univ. press, DPRK
  13. Pak, H. Y. & Ryu, K. S., 2018, Real-Time Monitoring of the Sun for Establishment of Imaging Spectrometer System of Solar Horizontal Telescope, Bulletin of Astronomy(DPRK), 1, 42
  14. Physics (물리), 1994-2019, Science & Technology press, DPRK
  15. Ryu, K. S. & Eun, K. H., 2018, Prediction of Solar Irradiance in Hour based on One Day Solar Irradiance Data using Artificial Neural Network, Physics (DPRK), 4, 28
  16. Sin, S. A. & Kim, J. C., 2000, Development of Photoelectric Photometer in Solar Spectroscopy, Physics (DPRK), 3, 36
  17. Sin, S. A. & Pak, H. Y., 2010, Magnetic Field of Sunspot in NOAA AR 10330 by Stokes Parameters, 3, 7
  18. Sin, S. A. & Ri, Y. M., 2014, Study on Multi-Channel Spectroscopic System of Solar Horizontal Telescope, Physics (DPRK), 1, 6
  19. Sin, S. A., 2016, Imaging Spectroscopy and Application to Research on Solar Physics, Bulletin of Astronomy (DPRK), 2, 56
  20. Sin, S. A., 2017, Solar Spectroscopic Observation as a Star, Bulletin of Astronomy (DPRK), 2, 32
  21. Sin, S. A. & Kim, Y. M., 2018, Establishment of Polarization Spectrometer System on Solar Horizontal Telescope and Study on Determination of Sunspot Magnetic Field: (1) Establishment of Polarization Spectrometer System, Bulletin of Astronomy (DPRK), 1, 25
  22. Sin, S. A. & Ri J. H., 2018, Determination of Sunspot Temperature using Solar Horizontal Telescope and Spectroscopy, Physics (DPRK), 1, 23
  23. Yang, H. -J., Park, C. -G., Kim, R. -S., et al., 2019, Solar Activities and Climate Change during the last millennium recorded in Korean Chronicles, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 186, 139-146
  24. Yang, H. -J., Kim, S., Yim, I., et al., 2020, A Study of Articles related on Astronomy published in North Korea Media, PKAS, 35, 1-9
  25. Yang, H. -J. & Yim, I., 2021, Astronomical Research in North Korea, in preparation