Diagnostic methods applied to Esfahan light water subcritical reactor (ELWSCR)

  • Received : 2020.10.05
  • Accepted : 2021.01.23
  • Published : 2021.07.25


In this work, Esfahan light water subcritical reactor (ELWSCR) is analysed using experimental and theoretical diagnostic methods. Important neutronic parameters of the system such as prompt neutron lifetime, delayed neutron fraction, prompt neutron decay constant, negative reactivity of the core, fuel and moderator temperature coefficient of reactivity, and overall and local void coefficient of reactivity are estimated. Also, neutron flux distribution, reflector saving, water level effect, and lattice pitch of the core including operating point of the facility are studied in details. Theoretical results are calculated by MCNPX and measurements are performed utilizing zero power reactor noise method. Detailed descriptions of the results are explained in the text.



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