A Study on the HyangchonGyeongHeomdanbang by Lee, Gyeongbu

이경부(李敬溥)의 『향촌경험단방(鄕村經驗單方)』 연구

  • Park, Hun-pyeong (Dept. of Korean Medical History & Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Dongshin University)
  • 朴薰平 (東新大學校 韓醫科大學 原典醫史學敎室)
  • Received : 2021.07.20
  • Accepted : 2021.07.23
  • Published : 2021.08.25


Objectives : This paper analyzes the newly discovered manuscripts of the HyangchonGyeongHeomdanbang(鄕村經驗單方). The HyangchonGyeongHeomdanbang is a collection of prescriptions written by Lee, Gyeongbu, a native of Gongju, Chungcheong Province, who served as a central official in the mid-19th century. Methods : First, background of the author was investigated through official sources. Next, bibliographical information along with the contents of the book were examined. Results : 1. Based on the findings of category classification, it can be concluded that the author put the most importance on tumefaction. 2. The author's main philosophy was cultivation based on Confucian ideas. 3. The book was intended for those without specialized medical knowledge. Conclusions : The HyangchonGyeongHeomdanbang(鄕村經驗單方) is an example of maximized convenience and accessibility in the accumulative process of clinical medicine during 19th century Joseon.



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