Research Progress and Development of Technology in Tourism Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

  • Zhong, Lina (Institute for Big Data Research in Tourism, Beijing International Studies University) ;
  • Zhu, Mengyao (Institute for Big Data Research in Tourism, Beijing International Studies University) ;
  • Sun, Sunny (College of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) ;
  • Law, Rob (School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • 투고 : 2021.01.30
  • 심사 : 2021.03.17
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


The interaction between technology and tourism has been a dynamic research area recently. This study aims to review the progress and development of technology in tourism research via a bibliometric analysis. We derive the source data from the Web of Science (WoS) core collection and use CiteSpace for bibliometric analysis, including countries, institutions, authors, categories, references, and keywords. The analysis results are as follows: i) The number of published articles on the role of technology in tourism has increased in recent years. ii) Technology-related articles in tourism are abundant in Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, and Annals of Tourism Research. iii) The countries with the most contributions are China, the US, and the UK. The most active institutions are the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Central Florida, Bournemouth University, University of Queensland, and Kyung Hee University. iv) The reference analysis results identify eight extensively researched topics from the most cited papers, and the keyword burst analysis results present an emerging trend. This study identifies the effect and development of technology in tourism research. Our findings provide implications for researchers about the current research focus of technology and the future research trend of technology in the tourism field.



This research was supported by: Research on cultural evaluation and Protection Development Countermeasures in ethnic minority areas based on big data. China Ethnic Affair Commission Research Programe,2020-GMD-089. A communication research of Beijing image in overseas social media. Beijing Social Science Foundation,19JDXCA005. National Natural Science Foundation of China- A Placeality-Based View of Destination Brand DNA Selection(Grant no: 71673015).


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