The Use of Travel-Related WeChat Mini-Programs in China: An Affordance Theory Perspective

  • Cheng, Ao (Department of Tourism Management, Hainan College of Economics and Business) ;
  • Koo, Chulmo (Department of Convention Management, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Yoon, Hyejin (Department of Hotel and Tourism, Baewha Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.13
  • 심사 : 2021.07.18
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


The travel-related applications on a smartphone help tourists make a reservation before their trip conveniently; use a map, direction guidance, and translation services during the travel; evaluate and recommend travel services communicating with others after their journey. This study examines the relationships among affordances and constraints provided by the mini-program, users' perceived value, and travel-related mini-program (TRMP) usage by analyzing the structural equation modeling. An online questionnaire was developed from the available scales in the published literature. A total of 651 TRMP users responded to the survey, and 448 valid responses were included for analysis. Affordance, including physical, cognitive, sensory, and functional affordance, significantly influenced the hedonic value of TRMP; utilitarian value except for cognitive affordance. There were negative relationships between unfamiliarity and both types of value. The utilitarian and hedonic value of TRMP significantly influenced both the exploitative and explorative use of TRMP. Travel-related mobile applications are dramatically increased in the tourism field. This research sheds light on TRMP usage, as a new and smart device, from a user's perspective based on the affordance theory. This study represents a valuable direction regarding the emerging travel-related online platforms in tourism.



This work was supported by "Double High-levels Plan" Tourism Management Group Construction of Hainan College of Economics and Business. This work was summarized based on the doctoral dissertation.


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