Experimental Study on the Development of Void Precast Concrete Slab using Rubber Tube Mold for Inner Core

고무튜브 몰드 프리캐스트 콘크리트 유공 슬래브 개발에 관한 실험적 연구

  • Bae, Kyu-Woong (Department of Architecture-Urban Engineering, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology) ;
  • Hong, Sung-Yub (Technology Development Team, Camus E&C)
  • Received : 2021.06.18
  • Accepted : 2021.07.28
  • Published : 2021.08.20


The void PC slab has a structurally reasonable cross-section by forming the hollow section of the neutral axis that is unnecessary for bending behavior. Domestic PC factories have introduced automation equipment to produce hollow PC slabs, and are achieving hollow sections through inserts. However, since the excessive initial investment cost of the PC factory is the main factor in the increase in production cost, other alternatives are needed. Therefore, in this study, when producing hollow PC slab members, by using a rubber tube as a formwork to form an internal hollow space, it is intended to contribute to securing productivity through molding various hollow shapes, making it larger, lightweight, and enabling rapid production. To implement a hollow PC slab using a rubber tube mold, the shape of a hollow cross-section in which the tube is combined was implemented by considering the shape of the rubber tube first. In addition, to secure the concrete quality of the hollow part, the finish properties of the rubber tube mold and concrete were evaluated, and the hollow PC production process was established.

국내 PC공장은 PC 유공 슬래브를 생산하기 위해 자동화 설비를 도입하거나 매입물 삽입을 통해 중공 단면을 구현하지만 PC공장의 과다한 초기투자비용이 생산원가의 증가라는 주요 원인으로 작용하기에 다른 대안이 필요한 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 PC 유공 슬래브 부재 생산시 고무 튜브를 내부 속빈 공간을 형성하는 거푸집으로 사용함으로써 다양한 중공 형상의 성형 및 대단면화, 초경량화, 신속생산 대응 가능을 통한 생산성 확보에 기여하고자 한다.



This thesis was conducted jointly with Camus E&C as part of the small and medium-sized enterprise support project of the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology.


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