Evaluating Conversion Rate from Advertising in Social Media using Big Data Clustering

  • Alyoubi, Khaled H. (Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University) ;
  • Alotaibi, Fahd S. (Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University)
  • Received : 2021.07.05
  • Published : 2021.07.30


The objective is to recognize the better opportunities from targeted reveal advertising, to show a banner ad to the consumer of online who is most expected to obtain a preferred action like signing up for a newsletter or buying a product. Discovering the most excellent commercial impression, it means the chance to exhibit an advertisement to a consumer needs the capability to calculate the probability that the consumer who perceives the advertisement on the users browser will acquire an accomplishment, that is the consumer will convert. On the other hand, conversion possibility assessment is a demanding process since there is tremendous data growth across different information dimensions and the adaptation event occurs infrequently. Retailers and manufacturers extensively employ the retail services from internet as part of a multichannel distribution and promotion strategy. The rate at which web site visitors transfer to consumers is low for online retail, out coming in high customer acquisition expenses. Approximately 96 percent of web site users concluded exclusive of no shopper purchase[1].This category of conversion rate is collected from the advertising of social media sites and pages that dataset must be estimating and assessing with the concept of big data clustering, which is used to group the particular age group of people along with their behavior. This makes to identify the proper consumer of the production which leads to improve the profitability of the concern.



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