Information and Legal Support for the Implementation of a Gender Approach to Public Administration

  • 투고 : 2021.07.05
  • 발행 : 2021.07.30


The study identifies the importance of informational and legislative support in ensuring gender equality. It determines the relevance of gender inequality, the main problem, which is confirmed by research and statistical information. The study aims to determine the methods of collecting information and legal regulation of gender issues and the possibility of solving them by public authorities. The main methods of gathering information are census surveys, questionnaires, surveys on public service websites, work with local communities, surveys in nursing homes and orphanages, special survey programs, and election polls. The paper considers the legal regulation of gender inequalities at the international, state, local and organizational levels. According to the analysis of the problem of gender inequality, it is established that the problem is practically eliminated in many developed countries, while countries with low incomes face gender inequality constantly.



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