A Research on Industrial Trend Analysis of Materials & Components in Jeollanam-do

  • 정중채 (전남테크노파크 정책기획단) ;
  • 김은이 (전남테크노파크 경영혁신팀) ;
  • 김성민 (전남테크노파크 신사업기획팀) ;
  • 박성현 (전남테크노파크) ;
  • 이용상 (한국산업기술평가관리원 시장협력팀)
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


Domestic materials & components industry is making a shift from quantitative growth to qualitative growth, while the paradigm of a future society is changing rapidly to energy, mobility, smartification and etc. The main features of materials & components industry are analyzed broadly based on three aspects that are: ① industry Status, ② the value chain structure, ③ the competitiveness. With regard to the national aspect, it is shown that the number of an export and a trade surplus increased consistently after the government advanced the policy on materials & components and Korea's trade deficit with Japan has been decreased. Moreover, the state's export ranking increased from tenth place in 2001 into sixth place in 2017, dedicating to the growth of a national economy. The analysis of the chain value indicates that specifications of an end product are set when the materials & components are combined with manpower, infrastructure and technologies. In terms of the competitiveness, it requires a long time and high costs to develop technologies on materials and it is important for components to have a process innovation and credibility wired. Following the industry structure with priority given on materials, Jeonnam Province accounts for 14.8% of national material production. As a result of analyzing Jeonnam's export competitiveness, it is measured that a serious polarization exists, revealing there are 6 major technology industries by 11 categories for materials & components, Jeonnam has presented 6 major materials & components considering the key industry and the new industry in future to remedy the mentioned problem so far, and plans to knock on the industry development through 10 different strategies.



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