Migratory and Subsequent Generation-related Damage Patterns of Spodoptera frugiperda in Corn Plants in Jeju, South Korea

제주 옥수수에서 열대거세미나방 비래 세대 및 후세대의 피해양상 특성

  • Heo, Jinwoo (Majors in Plant Resource Sciences & Environment, College of Applied Life Science, SARI, Jeju National University) ;
  • Kim, Subin (Majors in Plant Resource Sciences & Environment, College of Applied Life Science, SARI, Jeju National University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-soon (The Research Institute for Subtropical Agriculture and Biotechnology, Jeju National University)
  • 허진우 (제주대학교 생명자원과학대학(SARI)) ;
  • 김수빈 (제주대학교 생명자원과학대학(SARI)) ;
  • 김동순 (제주대학교 아열대생명과학연구소)
  • Received : 2021.03.09
  • Accepted : 2021.05.13
  • Published : 2021.06.01


The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith), is a notorious invasive migratory pest native to the tropics that has recently invaded South Korea with subsequent damage to cornfields. This study was conducted to evaluate the damage patterns on corn plants caused by the migratory and subsequent generations of FAW. The early migrant generation-related infestation rates reached an average of 13.2%, ranging from a minimum of 4.3% ('Allog-i') to a maximum of 33.0% ('Chodang'), depending on the corn cultivar. The proportion of FAW larvae-infested corn plants, in which the FAW survived until the pupal stage was 19.3%. The subsequent FAW generation caused considerable damage to the ears, resulting in 60% of ears with damaged kernels. This damage was markedly different from the nearly negligible damage caused by the migratory generation. The FAW larval dispersion was the most dynamic during the second instar stage and occurred along the same cornrow in line. In addition, we discuss the development of corn pant damage patterns caused by FAW. In summary, the results of the present study would provide useful basic information for the damage analysis of this pest for future studies.

열대거세미나방(Spodoptera fruligiperda)은 열대성 비래해충으로서 우리나라에서도 최근 비래하여 피해가 발견되고 있다. 본 연구는 열대거세미나방 비래 세대와 후세대의 옥수수에 대한 피해양상을 파악하고자 수행하였다. 옥수수 품종별 열대거세미나방 비래 세대에 의한 피해주율은 적게는 4.3% (알록이옥수수)에서 많게는 33.0% (초당옥수수)로 다양하였으며, 전체 평균 피해주율은 13.2% 이었다. 열대거세미나방에 피해를 받은 옥수수 중에서 최종 번데기까지 이르는 데에 성공한 주의 비율은 19.3% 이었다. 비래 후세대가 암이삭에 미치는 피해는 비래세대에서 거의 무시할 수준으로 확인된 것과는 달리 높게 나타났으며, 종자까지 피해받은 암이삭의 비율은 60%가 되었다. 유충의 분산은 2령기에 가장 활발하였으며, 한 이랑을 따라서 일렬로 일어났다. 기타 열대거세미나방의 피해발달과 본결과의 활용방안에 대하여 고찰하였다.



This study was carried out with the partial support of the Agenda Project (PJ01500905), RDA, Republic of Korea. We are grateful to Sustainable Agriculture Research Institute (SARI) in Jeju National University for providing the experimental facilities.


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