근해 수산자원 증대사업의 경제적 타당성 평가

Economic Valuation of the Off-Shore Fisheries Stock Enhancement Project

  • 투고 : 2021.05.11
  • 심사 : 2021.06.14
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


This study is to evaluate the prior economic feasibility of the off-shore fisheries stock enhancement project. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows: first, offshore fisheries stock enhancement project shall be implemented by dividing them into 1st·2nd·3rd projects for efficient promotion. The 1st·2nd·3rd projects will be conducted in a total of 50 locations (the eastern sea, the western sea, the southern sea, and the jeju sea areas), and the project period per unit will be five years, which will cost 1 trillion won. Second, according to the results of the survey on public awareness, the most consumed marine species in Korea over the past year were analyzed in the order of mackerel, hairtail, squid, yellow corvina, blue crab, and cod. The dominant response to the reason for consuming marine products in Korea was healthy well-being food and safe food. In addition, 67.9% of them have hesitated to purchase offshore fish species over the past year due to high prices, indicating that they are burdened by high prices. On the other hand, 79% of the respondents said that the government's policy was insufficient, according to a survey on whether the government's coastal marine resource creation policy was sufficient. Third, as a result of preliminary economic analysis of offshore fisheries stock enhancement project, the benefit-cost ratio is 4.01, net present price is 1,283.7 billion won, and internal rate of return is 91.7% per year, which means that the economic analysis ensures the feasibility of the projects. The results of this study provide useful information on securing or organizing budgets for offshore fisheries stock enhancement project by securing economic feasibility as a national infrastructure project that increases fishery income and public benefits such as consumption of marine products.



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