Seismic performance analysis of rocking wall TMDs structure based on shaking table test

  • Nie, Wei (Department of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University) ;
  • Liu, Shuxian (Department of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University) ;
  • Lu, Shasha (Department of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University) ;
  • Liu, Shaodong (Department of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University) ;
  • Bai, Chun (Department of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University) ;
  • Yin, Hang (Department of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University)
  • Received : 2020.04.29
  • Accepted : 2021.06.11
  • Published : 2021.07.25


This research aims to address the problem of frequency sensitivity of traditional tuned mass damper (TMD) and the difficulty in connecting the rocking wall by combining the construction technology of rocking wall with the vibration-control mechanism of TMD. The two 1/10 scaled six-story RC frame structures with and without rocking wall TMDs were precast and tested on a shaking table based on the principle of "consistent similarity law" to assess the seismic performance of the innovative system of vibration control, namely rocking wall TMDs. The results show that under three ground motions namely EL Centro, Taft and Artificial waves with peak accelerations of 0.2 g and 0.4 g, the rocking wall TMDs effectively controlled the primary structure response and the vibration-control effect of rocking wall TMDs was more significant with increased seismic intensity. Due to weaken the connections between the rocking wall and the primary structure, the out-of-phase vibration were more obvious, contributing to momentum exchange and tuning primary structure frequency. Consequently, the maximum acceleration, displacement, inter-story drift angle and Fourier spectrum decreased significantly under different seismic excitations, improving the frequency sensitivity of the traditional TMD. In addition, the rocking wall TMDs set along the height of the structure effectively enhanced the momentum exchange of each floor, which in return reduced the dynamic response amplification, controlled the structural deformation mode, and achieved overall vibration control effect. Therefore, the rocking wall TMDs have good seismic performance and robustness.



This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51474045). The authors would like to sincerely thank all the teachers, classmates and staves who helped me conduct the shaking table test. In addition, the special thanks go to the editor as well as the reviewers of this paper, for their useful comments that improved the manuscript substantially.


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