Effect of Human Related Factors on Requirements Change Management in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing: A theoretical framework

  • Mehmood, Faisal (School of information and communication engineering, Zhengzhou University) ;
  • Zulfqar, Sukana (Department of Computer science, Govt. Post Graduate College of Science)
  • Published : 2021.06.01


Software development organizations are globalizing their development activities increasingly due to strategic and economic gains. Global software development (GSD) is an intricate concept, and various challenges are associated with it, specifically related to the software requirement change management Process (RCM). This research aims to identify humans' related success factors (HSFs) and human-related challenges (HCHs) that could influence the RCM process in GSD organizations and propose a theoretical framework of the identified factors concerning RCM process implementation. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was adopted to investigate the HSFs and HCHs. Using the SLR approach, a total of 10 SFs and 10 CHs were identified. The study also reported the critical success factors (HCSFs) and critical challenges (HCCHs) for RCM process implementation following the factors having a frequency 50% as critical. Our results reveal that five out of ten HSFs and 4 out of ten HCHs are critical for RCM process implementation in GSD. Finally, we have developed a theoretical framework based on the identified factors that indicated a relationship among the identified factors and the implementation of the RCM process in the context of GSD. We believe that the results of this research can help tackle the complications associated with the RCM in GSD environment, which is vigorous to the success and progression of GSD organizations.



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