Determining Potassium Bromate in the Inhalable Aerosol Fraction in Workplace Air with Ion Chromatography

  • 투고 : 2020.04.10
  • 심사 : 2020.12.13
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


Background: The article presents the results of studies performed in order to develop a new method of airborne potassium bromate(V) determination at workplaces. Methods: The method is based on a collection of the inhalable fraction of potassium bromate(V) using the IOM Sampler, then extraction of bromates with deionized water and chromatographic analysis of the obtained solution. The analysis was performed using ion chromatography with conductometric detection. The tests were performed on a Dionex IonPac®AS22 analytic column (250 × 4 mm, 6 ㎛) with AG22 precolumn (50 × 4 mm 11 ㎛). Results: The method provides for potassium bromate(V) determination within the concentration range of 0.043 ÷ 0.88 mg/m3 for an air sample of 0.72 m3 in volume, i.e., 0.1-2 times the exposure limit value as proposed in Poland. The method was validated in accordance with PN-EN 482. The obtained validation data are as follows: measuring range: 3.1-63.4 ㎍/mL, limit of detection (LOD) = 0.018 ㎍/mL and limit of quantification (LOQ) = 0.053 ㎍/mL. The developed method has been tested in the work environment, on laboratory employees having contact with potassium bromate(V). Conclusion: The analytical method allowed the determination of the inhalable fraction of airborne potassium bromate(V) at workplaces and can be used to assess occupational exposure.



This article is based on the results of a research task carried out within the scope of the fourth stage of the National Programme "Improvement of safety and working conditions" supported in 2017-2019-within the scope of research and development-by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland/National Center for Research and Development, Poland. The Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB) is the programme's main coordinator.


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