Early overcounting in otoliths: a case study of age and growth for gindai (Pristipomoides zonatus) using bomb 14C dating

  • Andrews, Allen H (Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa) ;
  • Scofield, Taylor R. (Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii at Manoa)
  • Received : 2020.10.28
  • Accepted : 2020.12.31
  • Published : 2021.01.31


Gindai (Pristipomoides zonatus) is one of six snappers in a management complex called the Deep 7 of the Hawaiian Islands. Little is known about its life history and a preliminary analysis of otolith thin sections indicated the species may exhibit moderate growth with a lifespan approaching 40 years. Preliminary age estimates from the previous study were reinvestigated using the same otolith sections in an attempt to validate those ages with bomb radiocarbon (14C) dating. From the misalignment of birth years for the otolith 14C measurements with regional references - the post-peak bomb 14C decline period - it was concluded that previous ages were inflated from overcounting of the earliest growth zone structure in otolith sections. The oldest gindai was re-aged to 26 years once the age reading was adjusted for early overcounting, 13 years younger than the original estimate of 39 years for this fish. In general, the earliest otolith growth of gindai was massive and complicated by numerous subannual checks. The approach of lumping the early growth structures was supported by the alignment of 14C measurements from otolith core material (first year of growth). The result was greater consistency of calculated birthdates with the 14C decline reference, along with minor offsets that may indicate age estimation was imprecise by a few years for some individuals. The revised von Bertalanffy growth function applied to the validated age-at-length estimates revealed more rapid growth (k = 0.378 cf. 0.113) and a lifespan of approximately 30 years. The findings presented here are a case study of how the bomb 14C decline period can be used as a tool in the refinement of age reading protocols.



Thanks to various regional fishers (Eddie Ebisui, Roy Moribe, Layne Nakagawa, Clay Tam, Bradley Saito) for providing specimens, Jeff Sampaga for otolith extractions, and Meagan Sundberg (Luers) for assistance with collating otoliths from the collections for use in this study. Ryan Nichols was an age reader that corroborated the refined age reading protocol and I am thankful for his participation. Thanks to Robert Humphreys, Edward DeMartini, Cynthia Hunter (University of Hawaii, Department of Biology, Marine Option Program), and the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center for project support. This research did not receive any specific funding and the authors declare no conflicts of interest. Specimen collections were made under the jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries Service in accordance with the recommended guidelines for use of fishes in research ( Data accessed for this study is available at the public repository of National Centers for Environmental Information (https://www. via the Public Access to Research Results (PARR), White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Memorandum Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research.


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