A Study on the Influencing Factors of Consumers' Satisfaction of the Omni-Channel Applications and Store Satisfaction

옴니채널 앱만족도 영향요인과 점포이용의도에 관한 연구

  • Park, Min-Sook (Department of Distribution Management, Catholic University of Pusan)
  • Received : 2021.02.23
  • Accepted : 2021.03.05
  • Published : 2021.02.28


The growth of online malls encourages the existing offline stores to manage their online stores or reinforce the purchasing service through related mobile applications (apps). This may seem to be the omni-channel strategy for connecting the existing customers to online shopping. This study, research on offline stores' acceptance of and satisfaction with smart phone apps, attempted to arrange some factors allowing consumers to be satisfied with such apps, and examine whether the satisfaction with the apps lead to that with the stores based on the EMTAM (Extended Mobile Technology Acceptance Model). In particular, the existing stores trying to enhance the omni-channel put on emphasis on the synergy between online and offline stores, rather than replace offline store with online ones. The results of an analysis showed that the factors influencing the satisfaction with apps included mobile usefulness (MU), mobile ease of use (MEOU) and mobile enjoyment (MEJ), and that the satisfaction with them had an effect on that with stores. On the basis of the findings, this study summarizes theoretical and practical suggestions.



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