Model Multiplicity (UML) Versus Model Singularity in System Requirements and Design

  • Received : 2021.04.05
  • Published : 2021.04.30


A conceptual model can be used to manage complexity in both the design and implementation phases of the system development life cycle. Such a model requires a firm grasp of the abstract principles on which a system is based, as well as an understanding of the high-level nature of the representation of entities and processes. In this context, models can have distinct architectural characteristics. This paper discusses model multiplicity (e.g., unified modeling language [UML]), model singularity (e.g., object-process methodology [OPM], thinging machine [TM]), and a heterogeneous model that involves multiplicity and singularity. The basic idea of model multiplicity is that it is not possible to present all views in a single representation, so a number of models are used, with each model representing a different view. The model singularity approach uses only a single unified model that assimilates its subsystems into one system. This paper is concerned with current approaches, especially in software engineering texts, where multimodal UML is introduced as the general-purpose modeling language (i.e., UML is modeling). In such a situation, we suggest raising the issue of multiplicity versus singularity in modeling. This would foster a basic appreciation of the UML advantages and difficulties that may be faced during modeling, especially in the educational setting. Furthermore, we advocate the claim that a multiplicity of views does not necessitate a multiplicity of models. The model singularity approach can represent multiple views (static, behavior) without resorting to a collection of multiple models with various notations. We present an example of such a model where the static representation is developed first. Then, the dynamic view and behavioral representations are built by incorporating a decomposition strategy interleaved with the notion of time.



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