Detection and Trust Evaluation of the SGN Malicious node

  • 투고 : 2021.06.05
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


Smart Grid Network (SGN) is a next generation electrical power network which digitizes the power distribution grid and achieves smart, efficient, safe and secure operations of the electricity. The backbone of the SGN is information communication technology that enables the SGN to get full control of network station monitoring and analysis. In any network where communication is involved security is essential. It has been observed from several recent incidents that an adversary causes an interruption to the operation of the networks which lead to the electricity theft. In order to reduce the number of electricity theft cases, companies need to develop preventive and protective methods to minimize the losses from this issue. In this paper, we have introduced a machine learning based SVM method that detects malicious nodes in a smart grid network. The algorithm collects data (electricity consumption/electric bill) from the nodes and compares it with previously obtained data. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifies nodes into Normal or malicious nodes giving the statues of 1 for normal nodes and status of -1 for malicious -abnormal-nodes. Once the malicious nodes have been detected, we have done a trust evaluation based on the nodes history and recorded data. In the simulation, we have observed that our detection rate is almost 98% where the false alarm rate is only 2%. Moreover, a Trust value of 50 was achieved. As a future work, countermeasures based on the trust value will be developed to solve the problem remotely.



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