Encryption-based Image Steganography Technique for Secure Medical Image Transmission During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 투고 : 2021.03.05
  • 발행 : 2021.03.30


COVID-19 poses a major risk to global health, highlighting the importance of faster and proper diagnosis. To handle the rise in the number of patients and eliminate redundant tests, healthcare information exchange and medical data are transmitted between healthcare centres. Medical data sharing helps speed up patient treatment; consequently, exchanging healthcare data is the requirement of the present era. Since healthcare professionals share data through the internet, security remains a critical challenge, which needs to be addressed. During the COVID-19 pandemic, computed tomography (CT) and X-ray images play a vital part in the diagnosis process, constituting information that needs to be shared among hospitals. Encryption and image steganography techniques can be employed to achieve secure data transmission of COVID-19 images. This study presents a new encryption with the image steganography model for secure data transmission (EIS-SDT) for COVID-19 diagnosis. The EIS-SDT model uses a multilevel discrete wavelet transform for image decomposition and Manta Ray Foraging Optimization algorithm for optimal pixel selection. The EIS-SDT method uses a double logistic chaotic map (DLCM) is employed for secret image encryption. The application of the DLCM-based encryption procedure provides an additional level of security to the image steganography technique. An extensive simulation results analysis ensures the effective performance of the EIS-SDT model and the results are investigated under several evaluation parameters. The outcome indicates that the EIS-SDT model has outperformed the existing methods considerably.



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