Analysis of The Application of Information and Innovation Experience in The Training of Public Administration Specialists

  • Smyrnova, Iryna (Deputy Director for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Danube Institute of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy") ;
  • Akimov, Oleksandr (Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management) ;
  • Krasivskyу, Orest (Department of European Integration and Law, Lviv Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration) ;
  • Shykerynets, Vasyl (Department of Sociocultural Activities Management, Show Business and Event Management, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University) ;
  • Kurovska, Ilona (Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management) ;
  • Hrusheva, Alla (Department of Management, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine) ;
  • Babych, Andrii (Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.05
  • 발행 : 2021.03.30


The article analyzes the possibility of using information and innovation experience in training public administration specialists, and also explores the system of training public administration and management specialists abroad. It was determined that in the European Union, Japan and other developed countries, three concepts of qualified personnel training will be developed: the concept of specialized training is focused on the present or near future and is relevant for the respective workplace; the concept of multidisciplinary training is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases intra-production and non-production mobility of an employee; the concept of learner-centered learning with the aim of developing human qualities.



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