The Error of the Method of Angular Sections of Microwave Sounding of Natural Environments in the System of Geoecological Monitoring

  • Fedoseeva, E.V. (Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs) ;
  • Kuzichkin, O. R. (Belgorod State Research University)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.05
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


The article deals with the problems of application of microwave methods in systems of geoecological monitoring of natural environments and resources of the agro-industrial complex. It is noted that the methods of microwave radiometry make it possible, by the power of the measured intrinsic radio-thermal radiation of the atmosphere, when solving inverse problems using empirical and semi-empirical models, to determine such parameters of the atmosphere as thermodynamic temperature, humidity, water content, moisture content, precipitation intensity, and the presence of different fractions of clouds.In addition to assessing the meteorological parameters of the atmosphere and the geophysical parameters of the underlying surface based on the data of microwave radiometric measurements, it is possible to promptly detect and study pollution of both the atmosphere and the earth's surface. A technique has been developed for the analysis of sources of measurement error and their numerical evaluation, because they have a significant effect on the accuracy of solving inverse problems of reconstructing the values of the physical parameters of the probed media.To analyze the degree of influence of the limited spatial selectivity of the antenna of the microwave radiometric system on the measurement error, we calculated the relative measurement error of the ratio of radio brightness contrasts in two angular directions. It has been determined that in the system of geoecological monitoring of natural environments, the effect of background noise is maximal with small changes in the radiobrightness temperature during angular scanning and high sensitivity of the receiving equipment.



This work was prepared as a part of the state task FZWG-2020-0029 "Development of theoretical foundations for building information and analytical support for telecommunication systems for geo-ecological monitoring of natural resources in agriculture".


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