Predicting Selling Price of First Time Product for Online Seller using Big Data Analytics

  • 투고 : 2021.02.05
  • 발행 : 2021.02.28


Customers are increasingly attracted towards different e-commerce websites and applications for the purchase of products significantly. This is the reason the sellers are moving to different internet based services to sell their products online. The growth of customers in this sector has resulted in the use of big data analytics to understand customers' behavior in predicting the demand of items. It uses a complex process of examining large amount of data to uncover hidden patterns in the information. It is established on the basis of finding correlation between various parameters that are recorded, understanding purchase patterns and applying statistical measures on collected data. This paper is a document of the bottom-up strategy used to manage the selling price of a first-time product for maximizing profit while selling it online. It summarizes how existing customers' expectations can be used to increase the sale of product and attract the attention of the new customer for buying the new product.



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