Reduction of UKC for Very Large Tanker and Container Ship in Shallow Water

  • Lee, Sang-Min (Division of Marine Industry Transportation Science and Technology, Kunsan National University)
  • 투고 : 2021.05.06
  • 심사 : 2021.05.28
  • 발행 : 2021.05.31


The decrease in under keel clearance (UKC) due to the increase of draft that occurs during advancing and turning of very large vessels of different types was analyzed based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The trim change in the Duisburg test case (DTC) container ship was much smaller than that of the KRISO very large crude oil carrier 2 (KVLCC2). The sinkage of both ships increased gradually as the water depth became shallower. The amount of sinkage change in DTC was greater than that in KVLCC2. The maximum heel angle was much larger for DTC than for KVLCC2. Both ships showed outward heel angles up to medium-deep water. However, when the water depth became shallow, an inward heel was generated by the shallow water effect. The inward heel increased rapidly in very shallow water. For DTC, the reduction ratio was very large at very shallow water. DTC appeared to be larger than KVLCC2 in terms of the decreased UKC because of shallow water in advancing and turning. In this study, a new result was derived showing that a ship turning in a steady state due to the influence of shallow water can incline inward, which is the turning direction.



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