A study on the occurrence and resolution of disputes among crowd-funding stake-holders

크라우드펀딩 이해관계자 간의 분쟁발생과 해결방안

  • 김기홍 (평택대학교 국제무역행정학과)
  • Received : 2021.01.14
  • Accepted : 2021.03.01
  • Published : 2021.03.01


Recently, the e-business market has become a place of convergence where consumers and suppliers communicate with each other, and a new method of trading of funds has emerged in the process. Crowd-funding is one of the types of money transactions that have emerged in the online space, and its interest and trading volume have been growing rapidly recently. The platform in the online space using crowd-funding method operates in the form of online telecommunication sales, and it is in the form of producing and delivering products based on funds obtained from potential consumers by the operators involved in securing funds. However, if the participating business operators do not deliver the product or deliver the product other than the promoted product and avoid responsibility, the potential demander will not be compensated without mediation by the platform operating entity. In this study, despite the rapid growth in the market size of crowd-funding, consumers who participated in the funding are protected and able to resolve disputes in the event of a conflict amid growing complaints from potential consumers and side effects. The structure or method of crowd-funding is a new form of trading that has different features from conventional e-commerce. Therefore, the legal basis is not yet in place and the standards need to be laid out through various and sufficient discussions politically, legally, socially and culturally and economically. As the potential market and positive effects of crowd-funding around the world have been recognized, a role is required as an ecosystem for new financial transactions. And the potential market could be realized as a new industry if the right legal system and policy consultation were made.



이논문은 2020 학년도 평택대학교 학술연구비의 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.


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