Retroalimentación Positiva de los Profesores Nativos de ELE

  • 투고 : 2021.10.29
  • 심사 : 2021.12.10
  • 발행 : 2021.12.28


A teacher's talk does not make a simple delivery of information. It reflects the role of the teacher, since the language used by a teacher intervenes in a crucial way in the complex mechanisms that underlie teaching and learning of foreign languages. In this sense, the ways in which teachers give feedback have an impact on the process, not only of learning, but also of teaching. The important role of emotional factors in learning has resonated strongly in the intuition of many second and foreign language teachers. As a result, over the past three decades, research on foreign language acquisition has confirmed the hypothesis that language learning is enhanced by rapport between teacher and student. This study analyses the positive feedback given by native Spanish teachers in the context of university classes in Korea. The positive words from a language teacher are related to forming emotional factors such as motivation, attitude, interest, self-confidence, self-esteem, anxiety, and empathy, which directly influence in the acquisition of Spanish. 35 hours of oral practical classes taught by three native teachers of Colombian, Spanish and Mexican nationality were examined. According to the result, almost all the correct answers from students were corresponded with some type of positive feedback. The most frequent strategies are making a compliment, an approval, a repetition, and laughter or non-verbal cues. It is interesting to observe that teachers don't use only a single strategy to provide positive feedback, but instead combine multiple ways to enrich the positiveness of the feedback.



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