본 논문은 농촌진흥청 연구사업(PJ01404202)의 지원에 의해 수행되었음.
- H. T. Park, K. H. Park, Tasks for the leap of the seed industry, Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2013, pp.1.
- K. H. Park, H. T. Park, C. G. Chung, I. W. Yu, J. S. Shin, Recent Trends of the seed industry and a strategy to foster domestic seed companies, korea rural economic institute, Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2010, pp.4.
- J. N. Hwang, Golden seeds, seeds more expensive than gold, Korea Institute of science and technology information, Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2014, pp.11-12.
- Korea Seed & Variety Service, Variety protection registration status,, (accessed Dec. 31, 2020)
- Korea Seed & Variety Service, Seed import and export trends, Public Data Portal,, (accessed Jan. 4, 2021)
- D. G. Park, J. H. Song, Policy tasks for improving self-sufficiency rate of grain, Agricultural Outlook 2013, Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2013, pp.1-130.
- W. S. Park, Countermeasures in Korea's agricultural and food sectors to the Nagoya protocol, Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2016, pp.1-130.
- Y. H. Lim, J. R. Lee, H. I. Park, S. J. Choo, Policy initiative on science and technology-based agricultural innovation for food security, science and technology policy institute, 2019, pp.1-130.
- O. S. Kwon, Analyzing Spillovers of R&D Expenditures Using Input-Output Tables, Korea Agricultural Economics Association, Vol.51, No.3, pp.27-45, Sep. 2010.
- W. Ju, J. G. Park, J. R. Lee, Analyzing cost-benefit & spilovers of horticulture breeding R&D, Productivity review, Vol.27, No.3, pp.5-29, Sep. 2013.
- C. Y. Hong, Regional economic impacts of R&D investment using regional input-output statistics, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planing, 2018, pp.1-130.
- Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planing, Guideline on The preliminary feasibility study for national R&D programs, 2019, pp.294.
- Statistics Korea, Crop production survey, agricultural and forestry production index, and consumer price survey by item,, (accessed Dec. 31, 2020)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Flower Cultivation Status, 2019, pp.44-45.
- Korea Rural Economic Institute, Agricultural outlook 2020, 2020, pp.343-514.
- Department of Agricultural Outlook, Agricultural outlook_furit and vegetables_strawberry, Korea Rural Economic Institute,, (accessed Dec. 31, 2020)
- Rural Development Administration, cultivated area of minor crop: Institutional Internal Data, 2020.
- Bank of Korea, 2015 Input-Output Statistics, 2019, pp.252-253.
- Foundation of Agri. Tech. Commercialization & Transfer, Plant Variety Valuation Manual, 2016, pp.71-72.
- Ministry of Trand, industry and energy, Practical Guide for Technology Valuation, 2017, pp.54.
- Korea Rural Economic Institute, Supply and demand analysis and establishment of response directions for mid-to long-term horticultural specialty crops, 2016, pp.205, 323.
- Rural Development Administration, Study on Agriculture Technology Valuation and Economic Impact, 2015, pp.262-291.