Acute Acquired Metabolic Encephalopathy Based on Diffusion MRI

  • Se Jeong Jeon (Department of Radiology, Wonkwang University Hospital) ;
  • See Sung Choi (Department of Radiology, Wonkwang University Hospital) ;
  • Ha Yon Kim (Department of Radiology, Eulji University Hospital) ;
  • In Kyu Yu (Department of Radiology, Eulji University Hospital)
  • Received : 2019.05.15
  • Accepted : 2020.11.20
  • Published : 2021.12.01


Metabolic encephalopathy is a critical condition that can be challenging to diagnose. Imaging provides early clues to confirm clinical suspicions and plays an important role in the diagnosis, assessment of the response to therapy, and prognosis prediction. Diffusion-weighted imaging is a sensitive technique used to evaluate metabolic encephalopathy at an early stage. Metabolic encephalopathies often involve the deep regions of the gray matter because they have high energy requirements and are susceptible to metabolic disturbances. Understanding the imaging patterns of various metabolic encephalopathies can help narrow the differential diagnosis and improve the prognosis of patients by initiating proper treatment regimen early.



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