A within-subject comparison of short implants in the posterior region: retrospective study of up to 10 years

  • Received : 2021.03.17
  • Accepted : 2021.06.21
  • Published : 2021.06.30


Purpose. This intra-patient retrospective study of up to 10 years evaluated the clinical success and risk factors of 6- and 8-mm long implants and their respective prostheses. Materials and Methods. The sample consisted of patients treated at a Military Polyclinic dental service, who received both 6- and 8-mm long tissue level implants in the posterior region of the same arch. Data were collected from the dental charts, clinical and radiographic exams, self-report of sleep bruxism, measurement of maximum occlusal force, and clinical crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics with univariate and hierarchical multivariate models, at the 0.05 significance level. Results. The 30 patients (27 women) had 85 implants and 83 prostheses. Two implants were lost before prosthesis installation (implant survival: 97.6%). Ten events of prosthetic complication (screw tightening loss) occurred in five patients (success rate: 87.9%) in a single moment. Only the variable C/I ratio had a significant effect for repairable prosthesis complication (P<.05). Conclusion. The results suggest that 6- and 8-mm long implants have similar long-term clinical success for implants and prostheses.



The authors would like to thank Lieutenant Colonel Dentist Fernando Dilli, Head of the Division of Dentistry of the Military Policlinic of Porto Alegre (PMPA), on behalf of the PMPA Director, for the administrative permission and support for this intramural research.


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