The Role of Corporate Image and Brand Personality in Global Consumer Choice: An Empirical Exploration

  • Lee, Bong-Soo (Department of International Trade, Dankook University)
  • 투고 : 2020.12.19
  • 심사 : 2021.04.02
  • 발행 : 2021.04.30


Purpose - This study aims to analyze consumer in the multidimensional aspect of a combination of corporate image and brand personality in order to identify the structural causal relationship between consumer choice and corporate image and brand personality. Design/methodology - This study combined theoretical literature studies with empirical field studies using questionnaire survey methods. To achieve this objective, a hypothetical causal model consisting of three potential variables and nine measurement variables was created based on prior research, and a structural equation model was used to identify the suitability of the model. Findings - The hypothetical model established by this study was judged to be generally appropriate. In particular, corporate image was shown to have significant static direct effects on consumer choice and brand personality. It was also shown that brand personality had a direct static effect on consumer choice, and that corporate image has an indirect significant impact on consumer choice by moderating brand personality. Originality/value - Previous papers have mainly focused on one-dimensional studies of various images, such as companies and brands. However, this paper used a model that analyzed consumer choice through multi-clue information rather than corporate images as the only clue to consumer choice.



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