Brief Retrospect on the Use of Photobiomodulation (PBM) Therapy for Augmented Bone Regeneration (ABR)

  • Received : 2021.02.14
  • Accepted : 2021.02.19
  • Published : 2021.03.31


As technology advances at a rapid rate, innovations in regenerative medicine will eventually include the use of energy-based therapeutics, such as low intensity-pulsed ultrasound stimulation (LIPUs), pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation (PMFs), and low-level laser/light therapy (LLLt) or photobiomodulation therapy (PBMt). Among these treatments, LLLt/PBMt attracted significant attention by the turn of the century, as evidenced by the numerous publications compared to LIPUs and PMFs, particularly for augmented bone regeneration (ABR). This is a testament of how the maturation of technology and scientific knowledge leads to latent compounded applications, even when the value of a technique is reliant on empirical data. This article reviews some of the notable investigations using LLLt/PBMt for bone regeneration published in the past decade, focusing on how this type of therapy has been utilized together with the existing regenerative medicine landscape.



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