
The Study of Religious Medical Treatment in the Canonical Scripture of Daesoon Jinrihoe in Korea

  • 鍾雲鶯 (臺灣 元智大學中國語文學系)
  • Chung, Yun-ying (Department of Chinese Linguistics &Literature, Yuan Ze University)
  • 투고 : 2021.09.28
  • 심사 : 2021.12.09
  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


本文乃以韓國大巡真理會《典經》為主, 探討姜甑山的宗教醫療。姜甑山的醫療原理建立在「身心一體」的整體觀, 意即醫治疾病, 必先醫心, 也就是他所說的「大病之藥, 安心安身」。按摩是姜甑山經常運用的物理治療, 他運用按摩消除病患因氣鬱不順所導致腿部與腹部的諸多疾病 ; 而四物湯, 小柴胡湯, 木瓜, 生地黃是他常用的藥劑與藥材。道法醫療是姜氏宗教醫療的特色, 根據《典經》的記錄, 有正氣祛病, 驅除精怪, 代病與轉病, 更衣除病, 用藥於地等, 結合符咒, 藉以醫治百姓, 尤其用藥於地是他獨創的道法醫療方式。

The aim of this article is to investigate the religious medical treatments performed by Kang Jeungsan as recorded in The Canonical Scripture, the main scripture of the Korean new religion, Daesoon Jinrihoe. The unity of mind and body is the core principle underlying Kang Jeungsan's religious medical treatments. He believed treating the mind of his patients was more important and necessary than treating their diseases. As such, he believed the only way to treat critical illness was to keep preserve the mind-body unity of his patients. Massage was a physical therapy often used by Kang Jeungsan. The medicinal materials that he commonly used were the Four-substance Decoction (四物湯 samultang), Minor Bupleurum Decoction (小柴胡湯 soshihotang), quince (木瓜 mokgwa *Pseudocydonia sinensis; not papaya), and rehmannia (生地黃 saengjihwang). Kang Jeungsan's religious medical treatments were characteristic of Daoist healing methods. His Daoist style healing methods included multiple techniques such as treating diseases through correcting Qi, exorcising malevolent entities, transferring diseases to a different host, removing a disease through the changing of clothes, pouring medicine into the ground, combining the usage of talisman and incantations, and treating the common people. Among these techniques, Jeungsan's pouring medicine into the ground was especially innovative.



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