Improvement of Creative Solving Problem Method Curriculum based TRIZ Using Industrual Bottleneck Techniques

산업체 애로기술을 활용한 TRIZ 기반 창의적문제해결방법론 교과목 개선

  • Lee, Jae-Kyoung (Innovation Center for Engineering Education, Daejin University)
  • 이재경 (대진대학교 공학교육혁신센터)
  • Received : 2021.04.27
  • Accepted : 2021.05.17
  • Published : 2021.05.31


It is very necessary to have a creative problem-solving capacities to learn various majors and liberal arts based on the major, and to solve the bottleneck techniques led by students. In this study, the existing creative problem-solving curriculums, 'Methodology of Inventive Problem Solving' based on TRIZ, were improved and applied, and industrial bottleneck techniques were provided to students to solve these techniques. To improve the curriculum, 1) improvement of instructional objectives and learning contents, 2) improvement of evaluation methods and contents (reflecting the evaluation of instructor and students), and 3) learning satisfaction survey were conducted in the following order. As a result of the application of the improved curriculum, the level of activities for each team was improved, and when the core process was well understood, the evaluation of team activities was also excellent, but there was a tendency to focus on methods that are relatively easy to apply in the problem solving process. In the final exam (learning contents evaluation), teams with difficult understanding of the TRIZ theory or low team activities showed a relatively high trend, but the difference in level between divisions was slightly reduced.



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