Knowledge and Attitudes toward Advance Directives among Middle-Aged Women

  • Choi, Ji Won (Department of Health Sciences, Dongduk Women's University) ;
  • Rhee, Yong Joo (Department of Health Sciences, Dongduk Women's University)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.03
  • 심사 : 2021.03.18
  • 발행 : 2021.06.01


Purpose: This study investigated knowledge of and attitudes toward advance directives (ADs) among middle-aged women in South Korea, their willingness to write ADs in the future, and the factors related to knowledge of and attitudes toward ADs. Methods: Data were collected using a self-administrated questionnaire completed by 154 middle-aged women aged 50 to 64 from February to March 2020. The questionnaire asked about participants' knowledge of and attitude toward ADs, willingness to write ADs in the future, experiences with life-sustaining treatment within their families, experience making decisions about life-sustaining treatment, and demographic characteristics. Results: Scores for both knowledge of and attitude toward ADs were relatively high. About 60% of participants gave wrong answers when asked if attorneys were required for writing ADs. A higher knowledge score was significantly associated with a higher attitude score (r=0.227, P<0.01). The women were more likely to be willing to write ADs in the future when they reported a middle income level rather than a lower income level (odds ratio [OR]=5.952, P<0.01), considered themselves unhealthy (OR=5.873, P<0.01), and graduated college or higher (OR=4.096, P<0.05). Furthermore, women who thought that ADs would have an impact on treatment (OR=1.869, P<0.05) and on their families (OR=1.447, P<0.05) were more likely to be willing to write an AD. Conclusion: This study shows that wrong information about ADs persists among middle-aged women, and significant factors associated with knowledge of and attitude toward ADs were identified. Targeted education programs about ADs need to be developed for middle-aged women.



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