Practical Experience with Full-scale Performance Verification of Dynamic Vibration Absorbers installed in Tall Buildings

  • Love, J.S. (Motioneering Inc.) ;
  • Morava, B. (Motioneering Inc.)
  • 발행 : 2021.06.01


Dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) in the form of tuned sloshing dampers (TSDs) and tuned mass dampers (TMDs) are commonly used to reduce the wind-induced motion of high-rise buildings. Full-scale performance of structure-DVA systems must be evaluated during the DVA commissioning process using structural monitoring data. While the random decrement technique (RDT) is sometimes employed to evaluate the DVA performance, it is shown to have no theoretical justification for application to structure-DVA systems, and to produce erroneous results. Subsequently, several practical methods with a sound theoretical basis are presented and illustrated using simulated and real-world data. By monitoring the responses of the structure and DVA simultaneously, it is possible to directly measure the effective damping of the system or perform system identification from which the DVA performance can be evaluated.



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