Situational Relation of Job Crafting, Organizational Support, and Innovation Performance

  • Received : 2021.05.30
  • Accepted : 2021.06.23
  • Published : 2021.06.30


Purpose - This study analyzes the situational relationship between the components of job crafting and innovation performance, and based on this, suggests practical alternatives to the effect of the control variables of organizational support. Design/methodology/approach - For this survey, 350 questionnaires were distributed to Korean SME workers from October 5, 2020 to March 20, 2021, and 230 questionnaires were collected. In order to check the validity of the questionnaire, the questionnaire judged to be inappropriate in response was excluded. The recovery rate was 65.7%, and the effectiveness of the questionnaire was 82%. Structural equation model and hierarchical regression analysis are used to analyze those data. Findings - First, job enhancement through job redesign as well as organizational support is a key task in order to expect innovative results from field members. Innovative performance is not created by individual jobs, but is created between jobs and jobs, tasks and tasks, teams and teams, and departments and departments. This is why it is worth paying attention not to the functional approach, but to the interconnection structure of the process. Research implications or Originality - In this study, it was analyzed that structural job resource increase and social job resource increase, which are components of job crafting, had a positive effect on innovation performance, and that challenging job will had no significant effect. Challenging work will itself does not negatively affect innovation performance. Combining the survey and interview, field members who make up the majority of respondents say that they do not lack the will to work. They claim that there is no channel or opportunity to express or practice a challenging will.



This work was supported by the Wonkwang University Research Fund of 2020.


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