신라 사천왕사 금당 기단의 변화 양상과 조영 특징

A Study on the Changing Aspect and Architectural Characteristics of the Geumdang Hall Stylobate of the Sacheonwangsa Temple in Silla

  • 이상명 (국립문화재연구소 건축문화재연구실)
  • 투고 : 2021.01.21
  • 심사 : 2021.03.27
  • 발행 : 2021.04.30


The Sacheonwangsa temple was established in 670 under the leadership of Myeongnyang in response to the invasion of the Tang Dynasty. At this time, Geumdang hall stylobate was constructed, which was about 30% smaller than the reconstruction. Due to the wartime situation, the construction of wooden buildings did not seem to have been achieved. The Sacheonwangsa temple was reconstructed in 679 as a symbol of the Hoguk(護國) temple. The size of the Geumdang Hall stylobate was planned as an important module for the entire temple. The stylobate fasad was designed at intervals of Tangju(撑柱), just like the JuKhan(柱間) plan of wooden architecture. There is a possibility that eight Devas may have been decorated in Front fasad. When the Sacheonwangsa Temple was rebuilt, the Geumdang Hall was added by the ChayangKhan(遮陽間) and an Ikrang(翼廊) was installed next to it. These changes affect the material and form of the stylobate. It was changed to a durable stone post-lintel style stylobate and the intervals of Tangju(撑柱) in Front fasad was also adjusted. As the highest-quality stylobate in East Asia at the time, the Geumdang Hall stylobate is considered to have taken Silla's architectural skills to the next level.



이 연구는 국립문화재연구소 건축문화재연구실의 건축유적 복원정비 연구(과제번호 : NRICH-2105-B01F-1)의 지원을 받아 작성되었습니다. 또한, 이 연구는 황룡사 복원 제6차 및 제7차 심화연구의 일부를 심화·발전시킨 것입니다.


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