Fear of COVID-19 and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention Among Egyptian Physicians

  • Abd-Ellatif, Eman E. (Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University) ;
  • Anwar, Manal M. (Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Beni-Suef University) ;
  • AlJifri, Abobakr A. (Director of Quality and Patient Safety in Healthcare) ;
  • Dalatony, Mervat M. El (Public Health and Community Medicine Department, Menoufia University)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.24
  • 심사 : 2021.07.09
  • 발행 : 2021.12.30


Introduction: The risk of experiencing psychiatric symptoms related to the COVID-19 pandemic is high among healthcare workers whose occupations are in public health, emergency medicine, and intensive or critical care. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study aimed to assess the prevalence of fear of COVID-19 among 411 frontline Egyptian physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic; identify determinants and predictors for fear of COVID-19; determine the impact of fear of COVID-19 on job satisfaction; and detect the impact of fear of COVID-19 on turnover intention. Three standardized scales (fear of COVID-19, job satisfaction, and turnover intention scores) were used for data collection via online Google Form. Results: Regarding fear relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, 16.5% of the study subjects were classified as experiencing a severe fear level, while 78.1% experienced a moderate degree. A significant association between the level of fear relating to COVID-19 and the work department. The highest degree of fear is in a general-educational-university facility. Regarding job satisfaction, 42% of those having a severe level of fear are dissatisfied. Fear of COVID-19 is negatively associated with job satisfaction while positively significant correlated with turnover scores, a positive significant predictor of turnover intention. Job satisfaction is negatively associated with turnover intention; a negative significant predictor of turnover intention. Conclusions: Frontline Egyptian physicians reported higher levels of fear relating to the COVID-19 pandemic (moderate to severe). Increased fear levels relating to COVID-19 have a relationship with lower levels of job satisfaction and higher levels of job turnover.



This research was only possible because of the dedicated and passionate contribution of all participants.


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