Industry 4.0 in India: A Comparative Study

  • Received : 2021.01.05
  • Accepted : 2021.08.27
  • Published : 2021.09.30


The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the current status of Industry 4.0 policies in India and provide holistic policy recommendations in the transition towards Industry 4.0. The study was conducted based on the content-centric review of written policy documents like policy memoranda (memos), green papers and white papers, policy briefs, policy reports, opinion pieces, and newspaper and academic publications on Industry 4.0. India lacks infrastructure, regulatory framework, architectural reference model, incentives, skills, and standard roadmap towards Industry 4.0. The current policy status and policy recommendations presented in this study can serve as a great asset for academicians, policymakers, and practitioners to prepare a holistic roadmap for Industry 4.0 policy implementation. The study is first to assess India's current policy status and compare with Germany towards Industry 4.0. Besides, it is expected to assist government policymakers in formulating tangible policy outputs and strategic roadmaps.



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