CNN 기반 딥러닝을 이용한 인공지지체의 외형 변형 불량 검출 모델에 관한 연구

A Study on Shape Warpage Defect Detecion Model of Scaffold Using Deep Learning Based CNN

  • 이송연 (한국기술교육대학교대학원 메카트로닉스공학과) ;
  • 허용정 (한국기술교육대학교 메카트로닉스공학부)
  • Lee, Song-Yeon (Mechatronics Engineering, Graduate School of Korea University of Technology and Education) ;
  • Huh, Yong Jeong (Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology and Education)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.12
  • 심사 : 2021.03.19
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


Warpage defect detecting of scaffold is very important in biosensor production. Because warpaged scaffold cause problem in cell culture. Currently, there is no detection equipment to warpaged scaffold. In this paper, we produced detection model for shape warpage detection using deep learning based CNN. We confirmed the shape of the scaffold that is widely used in cell culture. We produced scaffold specimens, which are widely used in biosensor fabrications. Then, the scaffold specimens were photographed to collect image data necessary for model manufacturing. We produced the detecting model of scaffold warpage defect using Densenet among CNN models. We evaluated the accuracy of the defect detection model with mAP, which evaluates the detection accuracy of deep learning. As a result of model evaluating, it was confirmed that the defect detection accuracy of the scaffold was more than 95%.



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