셉테드(CPTED)를 이용한 서비스 경험디자인: 위치기반 안전 귀가 보조 어플리케이션 개발

Service Experience Design Using CPTED: Location-Based Safe Return Home Assistance Application

  • 정혜경 (건국대학교 미디어학부 시각영상디자인) ;
  • 고장혁 (삼육대학교 컴퓨터 메카트로닉스공학부)
  • Chung, HaeKyung (Konkuk University, Visual Communication & Media Design) ;
  • Ko, JangHyok (Sahmyook University, College of Science & Technology, Division of Computer Mechatronics)
  • 투고 : 2021.02.25
  • 심사 : 2021.03.16
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


The purpose of this study is to establish a crime prevention system through the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). The research method went through the double diamond process and discovered the user's needs through the persona analysis. The most representative features are the functions that informs users of the safe and optimal route, checks the presence of streetlights or cctvs in real time to update them, and allows people with similar routs to return home together. It is a function to help safe return home with the help of an autonomous method, and a self-defense function to protect themselves. Therefore, the application presented in this study was intended to be of great help when actually returning home by adding these new functions. In particular, we help users to return home most safely by recommending the best safe route. Through the persona analysis, research method which we had chosen, the needs of users were discovered and implemented in a design that reflected those needs and requirements.



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  5. https://1boon.kakao.com/ktestate/0326
  6. https://www.designcouncil.org.uk/newsopinion/designprocess-what-double-diamond
  7. https://weekly.khan.co.kr/