A report of the second chloroplast genome sequence in Veronica nakaiana (Plantaginaceae), an endemic species in Korea

  • 투고 : 2021.03.03
  • 심사 : 2021.03.26
  • 발행 : 2021.03.31


Veronica nakaiana Ohwi (Plantaginaceae) is an endemic taxon on Ulleungdo Island, Korea. We report the second complete chloroplast genome sequence of V. nakaiana. Its genome size is 152,319 bp in length, comprising a large single-copy of 83,195 bp, a small single-copy of 17,702 bp, and a pair of inverted repeat regions of 25,711 bp. The complete genome contains 115 genes, including 51 protein-coding genes, four rRNA genes, and 31 tRNA genes. When comparing the two chloroplast genomes of V. nakaiana, 11 variable sites are recognized: seven SNPs and four indels. Two substitutions in the coding regions are recognized: rpoC2 (synonymous substitution) and rpl22 (nonsynonymous substitution). In nine noncoding regions, one is in the tRNA gene (trnK-UUU), one is in the intron of atpF, and seven are in the intergenic spacers (trnH-GUG~psbA, trnK-UUU, rps16~trnQ-UUG, trnC-GCA~petN, psbZ~trnG-GCC, ycf3~trnS-GGA, ycf4~cemA, and psbB~psbT). The data provide the level of genetic variation in V. nakaiana. This result will be a useful resource to formulate conservation strategies for V. nakaiana, which is a rare endemic species in Korea.



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