Control Efficacy of Bacillus velezensis AFB2-2 against Potato Late Blight Caused by Phytophthora infestans in Organic Potato Cultivation

  • Kim, Min Jeong (Organic Agriculture Division, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Shim, Chang Ki (Organic Agriculture Division, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Park, Jong-Ho (Organic Agriculture Division, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
  • Received : 2021.09.06
  • Accepted : 2021.10.10
  • Published : 2021.12.01


Although late blight is an important disease in ecofriendly potato cultivation in Korea, it is highly dependent on the use of eco-friendly agricultural materials and the development of biological control technology is low. It is a necessary to develop an effective biocontrol agent to inactivate late blight in the field. AFB2-2 strain is a gram-positive with peritrichous flagella. It can utilize 20 types of carbon sources, like L-arabinose, and D-trehalose at 35℃. The optimal growth temperature of the strain is 37℃. It can survive at 20-50℃ in tryptic soy broth. The maximum salt concentration tolerated by AFB2-2 strain is 7.5% NaCl. AFB2-2 strain inhibited the mycelial growth of seven plant pathogens by an average inhibitory zone of 10.2 mm or more. Among the concentrations of AFB2-2, 107 cfu/ml showed the highest control value of 85.7% in the greenhouse. Among the three concentrations of AFB2-2, the disease incidence and severity of potato late blight at 107 cfu/ml was lowest at 0.07 and 6.7, respectively. The nucleotide sequences of AFB2-2 strain were searched in the NCBI GenBank; Bacillus siamensis strain KCTC 13613, Bacillus velezensis strain CR-502, and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain DSM7 were found to have a genetic similarity of 99.7%, 99.7%, and 99.5%, respectively. The AFB2-2 strain was found to harbor the biosynthetic genes for bacillomycin D, iturin, and surfactin. Obtained data recommended that the B. velezensis AFB2-2 strain could be considered as a promising biocontrol agent for P. infestans in the field.



This study was carried out with the support of the Research Program for Agricultural Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ01587602) funded by the Rural Development Administration in the Republic of Korea in 2021.


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