The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotization in Tourism and Hospitality - A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda

  • Ivanov, Stanislav (Varna University of Management) ;
  • Umbrello, Steven (Department of Values, Technology, & Innovation, School of Technology, Policy & Management, Technical University Delft)
  • 투고 : 2021.10.18
  • 심사 : 2021.12.22
  • 발행 : 2021.12.31


The impacts that AI and robotics systems can and will have on our everyday lives are already making themselves manifest. However, there is a lack of research on the ethical impacts and means for amelioration regarding AI and robotics within tourism and hospitality. Given the importance of designing technologies that cross national boundaries, and given that the tourism and hospitality industry is fundamentally predicated on multicultural interactions, this is an area of research and application that requires particular attention. Specifically, tourism and hospitality have a range of context-unique stakeholders that need to be accounted for in the salient design of AI systems is to be achieved. This paper adopts a stakeholder approach to develop the conceptual framework to centralize human values in designing and deploying AI and robotics systems in tourism and hospitality. The conceptual framework includes several layers - 'Human-human-AI' interaction level, direct and indirect stakeholders, and the macroenvironment. The ethical issues on each layer are outlined as well as some possible solutions to them. Additionally, the paper develops a research agenda on the topic.



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